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Hi Friends.
It’s a sad day when coming up with five good things is impossible. I know I have an optimistic nature, and I admit buying a bunch of fresh basil put me in a better mood, until I looked at my phone to read the latest dire predictions in the COVID world. You could say, “don’t look at the news. Severely restrict your news intake.” Emotionally I could agree with you, but realistically I cannot. I am a communicator. I need to know what’s happening. And I can’t and won’t be an ostrich for the next 18 months. As a mother and a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a partner, a mother-in-law, and a friend, I have too many responsibilities to hide this one out. We’ve had friends and loved ones who have already been hospitalized and released, sick as dogs at home, and this is only the beginning.
Lisa Birnbach and Tim Gunn
As we know we’ll be hunkering down for much longer than was originally foretold, I wanted to present this interview with fashion mentor, teacher, and writer Tim Gunn.
You probably know Tim Gunn from his tenure on “Project Runway,” the 16 seasons-long fashion design competition show, winning an Emmy award and the admiration of myriad fans in the process. This month, Tim and his co-hosting and co-producing partner Heidi Klum are at the center of a new competition, that makes Project Runway look like small potatoes. The show is called “Making The Cut”, and this time the contestants are already professional designers, who travel around the world on assignments. The final prize is $1 million dollars. The show is available on Amazon Prime, where you can also buy the winning designs each week. The show is great fun and a great diversion now that you are, I hope, staying home.
Tim and I taped this podcast in late January, when we did not have a pandemic hanging over us like a permanent dark cloud. In retrospect, those were easy, happier days. Even so, Tim Gunn was tender and affecting, and let me just say, tears were shed. I am proud to share this interview with you all.
In the meantime. Stay home. It’s not hard to do.
The Five Things that made me happy this week:
1. More phone calls with more friends. Staying in much closer touch with my family.
2. Depending on my partner for so much, and his dependence on me. It’s a test, I suppose, which he is passing with flying colors.
3. Parmigiana cheese. It really goes on or in almost everything. Who knew?
Governor Andrew Cuomo and his brother CNN host, Chris Cuomo
4. The Cuomos. They are really filling the information gap with real facts, unlike the seepage of lies from the top of the federal government.
Randi Rainbow
5. Randy Rainbow, the clever, hilariously-funny political song parodist who records new songs every week.
Tim Gunn. Photo credit: ScottMcDermott
Tim Gunn’s 5 (7) Things
1. A curious mind
2. Books
3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
4. Empathy
5. Microwave popcorn
6. Dressing up
7. Fitness
Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn “Making the Cut”
Twitter: @TimGunn
Facebook: @TimGunn
Instagram: @TimGunn
Making the Cut TV Series:
Twitter: @MakingTheCutTV
The 5 Things That Make Life Better podcast is recorded and produced by The Field in NYC